21 December 2010

Webber confident of equal status in 2011

Red Bull driver Mark Webber is confident he will receive equal treatment from the team next season despite teammate Sebastian Vettel having won the 2010 Formula One drivers’ title.

The re-legalisation of team orders and Vettel’s world title had led to speculation that Webber will be forced into a supporting role next season but the Australian said that he expected to again be given a chance to fight for the 2011 championship.

“The team know the best way to defend our championship is to put both their feet forward in the best possible way,” Webber said. “That is why we achieved so much as a team.”

Vettel and Webber had some clashes in 2010, most notably when they collided during the Turkish Grand Prix, ending the German’s race. Despite some friction in the team as a result, Webber had every intention of taking on Vettel again next season.

“I am absolutely confident that next year will be a great opportunity for me to get phenomenal results again,” Webber said. “I will need to beat everyone and one of those drivers is going to be Seb.

“Full credit to Seb to have the No. 1 on his car, but come first practice in Bahrain, that won’t make him go any faster.”